Climate Change: Promoting Alternatives to Incineration

Waste incineration produces many kinds of noxious substances.

Most people think of climate change as an enormous issue that can only be addressed on a global level. How can small grants of $500 or even $5,000 make a difference to such a monumental challenge?

We believe local action through small grants can make a big difference. Since 2000, Greengrants has given well over $1 million dollars to hundreds of organizations working on climate change in every corner of the globe.

As the stories of these groups indicate, although the issue of climate change is global, the methods of attacking it are as unique as the peoples and local environments that it will so drastically affect. We believe, as is the case with nearly every other environmental issue, that long-lasting solutions will have to include those who will be most affected. We hope you are inspired, as we are, by their efforts.

To find out about what groups are doing in other areas of the world, click here

Ecological Waste Coalition of the Philippines, Inc., Philippines

Pollutants released waste incineration systems not only include vast amounts of carbon dioxide but many other noxious substances as well. These are significant contributors to global climate change, in addition to creating many human and environmental health problems for local communities. Greengrants has provided many grants to organizations all over the world to help advocate against these high polluters.

The Ecological Waste Coalition of the Philippines, Inc. (EcoWaste Coalition) is a public interest network of community, church, school, environmental, and health groups committed to the pursuit of ecologically sustainable and socially-just solutions to waste management.

With aid from Greengrants, EcoWaste initiated monitoring activities in Filipino International Financial Institutions (IFI) projects that involve waste incineration and other end-of-pipe waste ‘solutions’ (i.e. methane production at mega landfills). The Coalition advocated for IFI implementation of clean, safe, and sustainable waste policies, and also worked on advancing the incineration ban under the Clean Air Act of 1999. Finally, the Coalition has worked to build alliances with regional and international IFI watchdogs, with the aim of amplifying their common voice through collaborative efforts.

Global Greengrants Fund

Global Greengrants Fund believes solutions to environmental harm and social injustice come from people whose lives are most impacted. Every day, our global network of people on the frontlines and donors comes together to support communities to protect their ways of life and our planet. Because when local people have a say in the health of their food, water, and resources, they are forces for change.

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