Most people think of climate change as an enormous issue that can only be addressed on a global level. How can small grants of $500 or even $5,000 make a difference to such a monumental challenge?
We believe local action through small grants can make a big difference. Since 2000, Greengrants has given well over $1 million dollars to hundreds of organizations working on climate change in every corner of the globe.
As the stories of these groups indicate, although the issue of climate change is global, the methods of attacking it are as unique as the peoples and local environments that it will so drastically affect. We believe, as is the case with nearly every other environmental issue, that long-lasting solutions will have to include those who will be most affected. We hope you are inspired, as we are, by their efforts.
To find out about what groups are doing in other areas of the world, click here.
Environmental Foundation Ltd., Sri Lanka
Education is the first step towards change. Throughout the world our grantees are involved in informing people about how their actions contribute to global climate change. This includes education for concrete steps that will help to alleviate impacts as well as greenhouse gas emissions.
Environmental Foundation Ltd (EFL) is a non-profit public interest law group. EFL provides legal and scientific aid to protect environmental rights, by taking legal action on issues of national importance, by promoting public awareness on environmental matters and by lobbying decision makers for sustainable use of natural resources and to effect progressive changes in conservation policy and laws.
Greengrants has supported EFLís efforts to educated people around the celebration of Earth Day. Activities have been focused on awareness and included television, radio and printed media as well as an information kit. The kit, distributed among secondary school children, undergraduates, members of the press, and both the public and private industrial sector, was filled with information on Earth Day’s history and also included ways that ordinary citizens can conserve energy in order to help fight global climate change. “The goal was to raise awareness on the role that all people can play in building a clean and healthy environment.”