Actor Josh Lucas hosts an Earth Month event for Aveda—and Greengrants! Check out the coverage—click here.
Josh Lucas teamed up with the Aveda Corporation April 10 for a press event in honor of clean water rights for Aveda’s 2007 Earth Month campaign. The event welcomed more than 150 guests at the Discovery Center for Riverhouse, New York’s ‘greenest’ building. Global Greengrants Fund is very honored to be Aveda’s global Earth Month Partner—click here for more details.
Mary T’Kach, Executive Director of Earth and Community Care for Aveda, spoke of the company’s call to action for clean water rights. This year, Aveda hopes to raise $1.8 million through its 2007 Earth Month initiatives (of which all proceeds will go to Global Greengrants Fund), text message campaign, and local events around the globe.