Greengrants’ Pacific Islands Advisory Board, led by Coordinator Toeolesulusulu Cedric Schuster, is appealing for funds to support long-term reconstruction efforts following September’s earthquake and tsunami that devastated a large swathe of southern Samoa. More than 20 percent of the population has been displaced, and over 140 lives were lost. Cedric reports that one of his friends lost 12 members of her family.
While relief efforts are temporarily providing the basic necessities, the Pacific Islands Advisory Board is planning to support communities dealing with rebuilding and other challenges once aid begins to slow down. Cedric has visited several of the communities that Greengrants has supported to assess their needs. The Advisory Board is coordinating support with the Samoan National Disaster Relief Committee.
Funds will be used for long-term issues including counseling, rebuilding of homes, potable water infrastructure, and education for children who have lost their schools in the affected areas. Greengrants’ Pacific Islands Advisory Board is well-positioned to move funds quickly and effectively to local community associations.
Please contact Greengrants with questions.