Global Greengrants Fund is deeply saddened by the tragic aftermath of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami that struck Japan on March 11, 2011. Thousands have lost their lives, many more have gone missing, and the possibility of nuclear catastrophe threatens long-term devastation. As the New York Times reports, “Need Overwhelms Japan.” Our thoughts go out to all affected by this disaster.
Resources for Giving Your Support
Immediate help is crucial in the region, and there are many organizations providing much-needed relief. Below are a few resources to find those organizations:
- The Chronicle of Philanthropy has published a list of organizations providing immediate disaster response in Japan.
- Network for Good has a list of organizations conducting emergency relief efforts, and you can donate directly from their Japan Quake and Tsunami Relief page.
- The Council on Foundations has also provided a compilation of resources and opportunities to support those in need.
- Foundation Center is publishing an RSS feed of Japan Relief Grants to track philanthropy’s response to the crisis in Japan.
To learn more about best practices for funders responding to tragedies like the tsunami in Japan, check out Grantmakers Without Borders’ The Tsunami Learning Project: Lessons for Grantmakers in Natural Disaster Response.