Justice for the Tarahumara People

The Tarahumara people of northern Mexico still practice a traditional lifestyle. They live in natural shelters, such as caves or cliff overhangs, and grow corn and beans. They raise cattle, sheep, and goats. The Tarahumara, also known as the Rarámuri (or “runners on foot”), still speak their tribal language, practice indigenous customs, and are renowned for their athletic prowess.

Despite their desire to maintain their way of life, a new resort development is slated to be built on lands of the Tarahumara. The owner of a nearby hotel and her sister illegally claimed over 4,000 acres of indigenous land, which surrounds their hotel, and sold it to developers for millions of dollars.

Developers have plans to build three major hotels, 350 campsites, 150 cabins, 350 RV sites, an amusement park, and several golf courses, all on illegally claimed Tarahumara land.

Working on behalf of land rights and indigenous peoples

Global Greengrants Fund grantee Tierra Nativa A.C. defends the lands, natural resources, and culture of indigenous communities in the Sierra Madre Accidental in Chihuahua, Mexico. They investigate issues around land rights and environmental protection and come up with solutions to conflicts involving indigenous peoples.  Global Greengrants has provided funding for Tierra Nativa A.C. since 2007, awarding 4 small grants totaling $17,000 for their work with indigenous rights.

Tierra Nativa used the funding to prepare a detailed report on the situation with full documentation of events. The report was presented to various land and indigenous rights experts in Mexico, and the group began to make headway. Finally, Tierra Nativa worked with the indigenous community to hire a new attorney and prepared a strong case against the developers.

In February 2011, the District Court granted a temporary injunction against tourism development on the disputed lands, meaning construction has been temporarily suspended.  Working with Tierra Nativa, and with the help of a small grant, indigenous groups in Chihuahua have thus far been able to protect their lands.

Global Greengrants Fund

Global Greengrants Fund believes solutions to environmental harm and social injustice come from people whose lives are most impacted. Every day, our global network of people on the frontlines and donors comes together to support communities to protect their ways of life and our planet. Because when local people have a say in the health of their food, water, and resources, they are forces for change.

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