Help a Fisherfolk Group Win $20,000 for Protecting Our Oceans

What if the best, most innovative conservation efforts could be rewarded for saving our oceans from overfishing? Cast your vote today and you can make that happen >>

Federacion de Pescadores de Navidad (FEPANAV), a Global Greengrants Fund grantee, has done incredible work to protect the Chilean coastline from unsustainable fishing. Now they need your help to win $20,000 to continue their efforts.

Rare Planet’s Solution Search contest rewards innovative conservation successes in communities where the need is greatest. This year’s contest focuses on grassroots work to battle the depletion of global fish stocks—an environmental crisis with devastating local effects.

More than 100 community groups from 48 countries were entered into the first round of the contest.  Our own Stefan Gelcich, advisor on the Southern Cone Board and expert on local marine issues, nominated one of our grantees: Fisherfolk Federation of Navidad (Federacion de Pescadores de Navidad, or FEPANAV), together with the Local Council of Navidad (Ilustre Municipalidad de Navidad).  A panel of judges selected 10 finalists, and Federacion de Pescadores de Navidad (FEPANAV) & Ilustre Municipalidad de Navidad made the cut!

A Deserving Nomination

Federacion de Pescadores de Navidad (FEPANAV) & Ilustre Municipalidad de Navidad
Federacion de Pescadores de Navidad (FEPANAV) & Ilustre Municipalidad de Navidad

Federacion de Pescadores de Navidad (FEPANAV) is protecting threatened marine resources in Navidad, a fishing village on the coast of central Chile. The group has worked with the local municipality to put conservation leadership in the hands of the local community.

Their bottom up approach focuses on shared community control and local, sustainable fishing. Artisanal fishermen are able to maintain their livelihoods without depleting fishing stocks. Because the community shares control over the marine area and its resources, each member has incentive to harvest fish collectively and sustainably. They have even established no-take zones to safeguard endangered fish populations, which can then become marine sanctuaries.

Cast your vote to raise money for marine conservation!

You can help Federacion de Pescadores de Navidad (FEPANAV) & Ilustre Municipalidad de Navidad win a grant of $20,000 to continue their great work! All you need to do is vote for them >>

You’ll need to pick 3 groups to vote for, but please make sure Federacion de Pescadores de Navidad (FEPANAV) & Ilustre Municipalidad de Navidad is among your selection. The group with the most votes wins a $20,000 grant, 2 runners-up win $5,000 grants, and the winner may be featured on National Geographic’s The Ocean website, increasing their impact even further.

Please vote today, and after you’ve voted spread the word! Voting ends on December 23rd, and winners will be announced on January 6th.

Global Greengrants Fund

Global Greengrants Fund believes solutions to environmental harm and social injustice come from people whose lives are most impacted. Every day, our global network of people on the frontlines and donors comes together to support communities to protect their ways of life and our planet. Because when local people have a say in the health of their food, water, and resources, they are forces for change.

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