Women form a critical front line in the struggle against climate change. Around the globe, they are the primary people responsible for feeding their families and managing their communities’ forests, water, and land. So they have a natural stake in the health and future of the environment. But they have far less access than men to funding for local projects that often fly under the international radar.
Use these resources to understand the issues and the importance of supporting grassroots women’s voices and leadership.
Women, Gender, and the Link to Climate Change

- “Why Women are World’s Best Climate Change Defense” – Op-ed by Mary Robinson, former U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, on why women’s voices are critical in climate negotiations and the political process. (CNN, 12/12/11)
- Women, Gender Equality, and Climate Change – Factsheet on how women are affected by and responding to climate issues. With links to United Nations mandates and information. (U.N. Women Watch 2009)
- Overview of Linkages Between Gender and Climate Change – Policy brief on the importance of women’s participation in climate responses. (United Nations Development Program 2013)
- The Gender Advantage: Women on the Front Line of Climate Change – Case studies from rural communities, where women’s knowledge and gender-sensitive solutions are improving lives. (IFAD 2014)
- Gender and Climate Change – Report highlighting the need to put people at the center of climate response, and challenges and opportunities climate change presents for gender equity. (BRIDGE Institute of Development Studies 2011)
- Gender Inequity and Climate – At-a-glance stats on gender gaps around the world and how climate change exacerbates gender inequity. (Women’s Environment and Development Organization)
- Leading Resilient Development – Publication on grassroots women and the links between disasters, development, poverty, and gender inequality. (GROOTS International, Northumbria University School of the Built and Natural Environment, UNDP)
The Threat to Women Human Rights Defenders
- “Killing the Messenger: Attacks Rise on Women Human Rights Defenders” – The story of one woman’s murder and how it points to a growing danger for women advocating for their rights to a healthy, safe environment. (Center for International Policy Americas Program, 12/10/12)
Gender and Climate Finance
- Supporting Women’s Contribution to the Fight Against Climate Change – Discussion with Liane Schalatek, associate director of the Heinrich Böll Foundation North America, on how women can gain better access to effective climate financing. (Asian Development Blog, 3/26/14)
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