The Next Generation Climate Board: grants to end climate change

Climate change is already altering life on our planet. Sea levels are rising, storms are striking with unprecedented intensity, and farmlands are becoming virtual deserts. In Africa alone, as many as 185 million people will die this century because of climate change.

Climate doesn’t care about borders or politics. It affects all of us, and the window for stopping climate change is closing. We must protect our home from the greatest environmental and human rights challenge the planet has ever faced.

Global Greengrants Fund launched the Next Generation Climate Board to address the climate crisis on a global scale.

“I believe the future of our planet is in the hands of young people,” says Hilma Angula, a Next Generation Climate Board advisor from Namibia. “We want environmental change but need support and resources.”

The new advisory board brings together a group of accomplished climate activists—all in their 20s—to recommend $50,000 in grants and provide mentorship to young people pursuing cutting-edge climate change initiatives in some of the world’s most notorious environmental hot spots.

4 Things You Need to Know About the Next Generation Climate Board

  1. They are climate leaders. The three women and two men on the board are from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, and they sit on the leadership teams of networks that comprise tens of thousands of youth across more than 80 countries.
  2. Grants will go exclusively to youth-led climate initiatives. Whether a project will train new climate leaders, strengthen young people’s influence on policy, or fund youth-driven enterprises, each and every grant made by the Next Generation Climate Board will go toward strengthening the next generation’s role in climate policy and activism.
  3. The board is already making cutting-edge grants. The board’s first four grants, totaling $15,000, have been recommended to young people fighting on the frontlines of climate change activism in the Philippines, Kenya, and—for the first time in Global Greengrants Fund’s 20-year history—Iraq.
  4. You can support young grassroots climate activists around the world! Make a donation to Global Greengrants Fund to show you support grassroots leaders working to stop the effects of climate change. Then spread the word to your friends and family by asking them to support this initiative. Suggest they stay up-to-date on news and events by subscribing to Global Greengrants Fund’s newsletter.

Tell us what you think: Do you agree that the next generation is a key to the climate solution?

Global Greengrants Fund

Global Greengrants Fund believes solutions to environmental harm and social injustice come from people whose lives are most impacted. Every day, our global network of people on the frontlines and donors comes together to support communities to protect their ways of life and our planet. Because when local people have a say in the health of their food, water, and resources, they are forces for change.

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