Planting Hope in Brazil’s Countryside

Women weavers in Brazil CASA

Socio-Environmental Fund-CASA, Global Greengrants’ sister organization and grantmaking arm in Brazil, celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. It has supported environmental causes throughout Brazil, ranging from indigenous rights to forest protection. To honor this moment, CASA is sharing 10 of its favorite and most impactful stories. Check out this one:

Young people in rural communities often face a tough choice: leave home to find work in the city or stay with no prospects of bettering their life. But, Terra Viva Network in Brazil saw a third choice: creating sustainable industries in the countryside. With support from Global Greengrants and CASA, this community group is building on traditional knowledge and farming. Now local people sell goods, from coffee to produce to baskets, in cities. Communities are finding hope, and a brighter future is in reach.

Read “Planting Hope in the Countryside” here >>

Global Greengrants Fund

Global Greengrants Fund believes solutions to environmental harm and social injustice come from people whose lives are most impacted. Every day, our global network of people on the frontlines and donors comes together to support communities to protect their ways of life and our planet. Because when local people have a say in the health of their food, water, and resources, they are forces for change.

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