Month: March 2016

Inside the Struggle for Ecuador’s Cordillera del Condor

Words and photo by Beth Wald In a little-known corner of southeast Ecuador lies a low range of cloud-cloaked mountains called the Cordillera del Condor. Steep, forested slopes and clean-running rivers support a dizzying array of bird, plant, animal, and fish life. Despite recent population growth, large tracts of the Condor remain unexplored. “We don’t […]

Suryamani Bhagat Was Supposed To Be A Teacher in India…

But after earning a degree in Sanskrit, Suryamani was called to protect the forest near her homeland from destruction and exploitation. At 20, she quit teaching and became a grassroots environmental activist and leader. Suryamani Bhagat joins a long line of indigenous women who have spearheaded forest conservation movements throughout India. She organized forest protection […]

Public Letter to President Hernandez of Honduras

   Dear President Juan Orlando Hernández, We, a group of 50+ international organisations, write to express our shock and concern over the recent killing of Berta Cáceres, environmental activist and head of the indigenous rights group COPINH. As you will know, Mrs Cáceres was shot dead by gunmen in the late hours of 2 March […]

Environmental Leader Berta Cáceres Assassinated in Honduras

For Immediate Release March 3, 2016 Global Greengrants Fund Contact: Katy Neusteter, 303-880-0634, Environmental Leader Berta Cáceres Assassinated in Honduras Global Greengrants mourns grantee and celebrated defender of indigenous and environmental rights, calls on international community to support environmental activists threatened for defending their rights and resources. Boulder, CO: Global Greengrants Fund is deeply […]

Guatemala: Community Resistance and Resilience

In Guatemala communities are fighting against mining companies. From organizing protests to mounting legal battles, groups are working to preserve or restore their environment. These photos tell the story of three fights around Guatemala; fights that we are proud to be a part of. El Sisimite For more than a year and a half, citizens in […]

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