Climate Action in 2020: What to Do NOW

In December 2019, delegates from almost 200 countries attended the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP25) with the goal of developing the rules of the 2015 Paris climate agreement.

To say that the meeting was a disappointment would be an understatement.

Four years after the birth of the Paris Agreement and the rules aren’t even complete. And according to critics, even the targets being laid out in these agreements are not robust enough to adequately address the severity of the climate crisis. It’s safe to say that international and government-led action on climate is slow moving, limited, and shrouded in red tape.

This is why we aren’t planning to wait. And we don’t think that you should either.

At Global Greengrants Fund, we’re working with grassroots activists in 168 countries around the world, funding solutions to the climate crisis that are being implemented NOW. Instead of worrying about the Paris Agreement, the Trump administration, or the slow moving international agenda, we invest in the work of local people, those on the ground, those most impacted by climate change AND the least responsible.

According to the 2018 United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, we have just ten years left to change course and prevent a total global catastrophe. Let’s gain forward momentum in 2020 – we don’t have time to waste.

Here are five ways to take action now:

  • Protect the rainforests: Rainforests are known as the “lungs of the planet”, absorbing harmful greenhouse gas emissions and protecting the balance of the ecosystem. Yet, rainforests worldwide are under threat – from fires in the Amazon, to deforestation for palm oil plantations in the Philippines, and logging in the Congo. Stand with communities on the frontlines who are aiming to halt these activities and protect the forests we all depend on.
  • Stop dirty development: Around the world, the construction of mines, dams, and extraction of oil continues. Not only do we need to end our dependence on fossil fuels, but we also need to help the people whose land, health, and lives are being impacted by contaminated rivers, streams, and soil due to the extraction of natural resources. Here at Global Greengrants Fund, we do just that. We place money into the hands of community-led groups who are standing up to big oil, halting the construction of mines and dams, and raising awareness of the destruction these projects cause.
  • Fight for justice: To put an end to rising carbon emissions we need to get everyone involved – women, youth, Indigenous peoples, people of color, and other historically marginalized communities. Climate change is everyone’s fight, and we must stand together and stand up for those least responsible for this global crisis, who are the most affected by its impacts.
  • Fund women working to save the planet: On that note, more funding is needed for women working to protect the environment. Many of the biggest foundations in the world fund around women’s rights, and many fund environmental action, but only 0.2% of funding supports women-led projects to address the impacts of climate change. This gap in funding is astonishing. Women bring a unique perspective and skillset to the table in protecting their families and communities, the ways they interact with nature, and the solutions they devise. It’s important to have their voices heard when it comes to the biggest obstacle humanity has ever faced. This is why over 60% of our grantmaking goes to women-led projects.
  • Spread the word: We need to talk about the power of the grassroots. There is no one solution to climate change, and it’s clear that this is an issue that needs to be addressed from all angles. This means that we need to get everyone on board, and to do that we must amplify the stores of individuals and movements. Inspired by this retired teacher who started a community seed bank in India, or this community that’s protecting its ancestral forest in the Congo? Tell your friends! As Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Start 2020 off strong, and invest in those taking meaningful action right now to address the climate crisis. Make a gift to Global Greengrants Fund today.

Photo credit: Felipe Jacome

Global Greengrants Fund

Global Greengrants Fund believes solutions to environmental harm and social injustice come from people whose lives are most impacted. Every day, our global network of people on the frontlines and donors comes together to support communities to protect their ways of life and our planet. Because when local people have a say in the health of their food, water, and resources, they are forces for change.

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