Author: Global Greengrants Fund

New Patagonia Advisor for Southern Cone

Greengrants welcomes Argentine Mariano Coscarella to the Southern Cone Advisory Board. This board recommends grants to grassroots groups in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay on issues including sustainable fisheries, indigenous rights, and forest protection.

National Geographic Highlights Gold Mining Impacts

National Geographic’s January issue highlights “The Real Price of Gold”, bringing focus to the disastrous impacts of gold mining on communities around the world. The article focuses Peru, Indonesia, and Ghana and provides a compelling look into the high costs of gold for both people and the environment.

Terry Odendahl, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer

Greengrants is pleased to introduce our new CEO, Terry Odendahl.

Grantees Win Conde Nast Environmental Prize

For nearly two decades, Conde Nast Traveler has been honoring environmental visionaries around the world who have found innovative solutions to seemingly intractable problems. In 2008, both the winner and a runner-up of this prestigious award were grantees.

China: Investing in New Environmental Leaders

Do you want to start a campaign to promote energy conservation? Protect your local river? Bring attention to climate change? Leaders at an organization in Beijing can help you make it happen—and they have already, for hundreds of student groups throughout China. China Green Student Forum, based in Beijing, is creating new possibilities for future […]

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