Author: Global Greengrants Fund

Aveda and Global Greengrants Fund team up for “Earth Month 2007″

In April 2007 Global Greengrants Fund will be making a public debut of global proportions. Our longtime donor, the Aveda Corporation, has selected Greengrants as their “Global Earth Month Partner”!

Advisor Named Foreign Minister of Ecuador

We are proud to announce that Mar­a Fernanda Espinosa, member of our Andes Advisory Board since 2001, has been named the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Ecuador.

Greengrants Debuts on YouTube

Now it’s easier to watch and share our inspiring video!

Grantee Wins Conde Nast 2006 Environmental Award

We are pleased to announce that Marina Rikhvanova, co-chair of Baikal Environmental Wave, is the winner of the 2006 Conde Nast Environmental Award. Congratulations Marina!

China: Protecting the Nu River

Greengrants grantee Green Earth Volunteers is working hard to bring awareness to environmental issues in China. Read their article on the state of the Nu River in Yunnan.

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