National Geographic Focus on Nigeria
National Geographic’s February 2007 issue depicts the impacts that oil and gas development have had in the Niger Delta in Nigeria.
National Geographic’s February 2007 issue depicts the impacts that oil and gas development have had in the Niger Delta in Nigeria.
We are pleased to welcome several new advisors to our expanding network of environmental activists around the world.
Chile is a country known for its exceptional beauty—but tensions persist over natural resource development. Global Greengrants’ newest employee, Jessica Sherman, Development Associate, recently spent five months in southern Chile researching the region’s
The Guardian recently published an article by Korinna Horta and Delphine Djiraibe about the Chad-Cameroon pipeline and the impacts it has on local people.
On Dec. 20, 2006, two activists with the Environmental Movement of Olancho (MAO) were shot to death in the Honduran department of Olancho.
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