Author: Global Greengrants Fund

Interview with Father Marco Arana

Father Marco Arana of Cajamarca, Peru, is founder of the Group for Training and Intervention for Sustainable Development (GRUFIDES). GRUFIDES helps community leaders and local residents monitor environmental impacts in their communities.

Defense of the Mangroves: A Campaign against a Large-Scale Shrimp Farm in Brazil

Shrimp is no longer the luxury food that it once was: in 2001 it surpassed canned tuna as the number one seafood consumed in the United States. From Thailand to Ecuador, a number of developing nations have created large-scale shrimp production industries. In Brazil, shrimp production has been growing by more than 50 percent a […]

Fishing with Bombs: Cacha Pregos under Assault

While fishing takes many forms, using bombs is certainly one of the most outrageous. This distinctive practice does extensive damage to the surrounding marine environment and to the bomb fishermen themselves. Unfortunately, in Brazil this illegal practice is still widespread. Global Greengrants Fund grantee Canto Ecológico, a husband and wife team of dedicated environmentalists, has inserted […]

Three Greengrants Grantees Win 2006 Goldman Prize

Three Greengrants grantees were among the six winners of the 2006 Goldman Environmental Prize, the world’s most respected award for environmentalists.

The Initiative for the Integration of Regional Infrastructure (IIRSA)

When twelve South American nations embark on a region-wide infrastructure development program — which contemplates 355 projects at a cost of $37 billion dollars — it makes sense that the citizens of the participating nations would be included in the decision-making process. Or not, apparently. According to representatives of civil society groups, governments are displaying […]

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