Author: Global Greengrants Fund

Thailand: Restoring a River and Traditional Ways of Life

by Sarah Drinkwater, with contributions from Aviva Imhof, International Rivers Network The people of the Mun River, in northeastern Thailand, once lived simple, self-sustaining lives growing rice in small terraced fields, planting vegetable gardens along the riverbanks and fishing in the river. This region is hotter and drier than much of Thailand, so only one […]

India: Citizen Group Advocates for Safer Waste Disposal

Using careful research and a non-confrontational approach, the Citizen Consumer and Civic Action Group (CAG) has had great success helping the city of Chennai develop safer waste disposal practices, especially for biomedical wastes. Like most cities around the world, Chennai, the capital of India’s Tamil Nadu state, is struggling to safely dispose of its trash. […]

Ghana: Groups Work to Prevent Mining in Ghana’s Forest Reserves

A controversial government decision to grant permits for gold mining in Ghana’s dwindling forest reserves threatens the survival of the forest and of the people who depend on the forest to meet their basic needs. Two Greengrants grantees are on the front lines of this battle: Wassa Association of Communities Against Mining (WACAM) and the […]

Press Release from Alburnus Maior: “They will take the gold and leave the cyanide”

Rosia Montana, Romania – Romania’s Prime Minister Adrian Nastase has reconfirmed his position against Gabriel Resources controversial gold mining development. During an official visit in Alba Iulia, the regional capital close to Rosia Montana, Romania’s Prime Minister declared amongst others: ” . . . the point of view expressed has always been very clear, namely […]

India: Bucket Brigades Monitor Air Pollution Inexpensively

by Justin Kushik and Kielly Dunn Imagine: you step outside to pick up your morning newspaper and the headline reads, “Authorities Claim Local Refinery Complies with Environmental Standards.” As you glance toward the plumes of smoke billowing from the refinery’s stacks, you scratch your head and wonder about the accuracy of the government’s finding. You […]

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