Author: Global Greengrants Fund

Philippines: Arrest Gags Pesticide Research in the Philippines

by Michelle Wallar, Greengrants Intern Americans love bananas: banana splits, banana bread, banana smoothies, and just plain bananas. We import about 27 pounds annually for every American, according to Michael Jessen of AlterNet. And yet we often know little about the consequences of the pesticides used to grow bananas. The people who grow our bananas […]

Guatemala: Progress in the Wake of Terrible Violence

by Jessica Sherman Fernando Chiyoc Albizures and MaytÌn Castellanos would be pleased to know about the progress their neighbors in Champerico have achieved since their murders in 2001. These two young men (ages 14 and 22) were killed in separate incidents protesting the actions of the shrimp farming company Camarones S.A. (Camarsa) when factory guards […]

Papua New Guinea: Helping Forest Communities Protect Lands from Illegal Logging

    by Brock McCarty, Greengrants Intern The rain forests of Papua New Guinea (PNG) are considered to be among the world’s richest in biological diversity. An estimated 700 distinct languages are spoken by its people, and 97 percent of its land is held in customary ownership by clans or kinship groups rather than individuals […]

Zambia: The Secret Poisoning of Kabwe

Kabwe, the second largest city in Zambia and for years a center of Africa’s mining industry, is now one of the world’s most poisoned cities.

Chet Wins Scrivner Award!

Greengrants executive director Chet Tchozewski wins award for creative philanthropy.

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