Author: Global Greengrants Fund

Women & Climate: 9 Great Articles & Resources

Use these articles and resources to understand the link between gender equality and climate change, and the importance of supporting grassroots women’s voices and leadership.

Mama Aleta: one woman’s struggle to save Indonesia’s forests from mining

The riches hidden within Timor Island’s lush rainforests are extraordinary and problematic. Timor’s indigenous people consider the soil, water, stone, and trees their own bodies. But these fertile mountains are also rich in oil, gas, gold, and marble. This is the story of one woman leading a fight to save her people’s sacred lands.

Sowing the seeds of grassroots change in Mexico

Why should environmental and women’s rights funders join forces to support grassroots change? Artemisa Castro Félix of the Fund for Solidarity in Action (FASOL) explains.

The International Network of Women’s Funds takes on climate change

“The International Network of Women’s Funds sees a number of relevant intersections with climate issues that could potentially lead to very strategic funding initiatives.” Read more from INWF’s Executive Director, Emelienne de Léon.

Accidental Democracy in Brazil: How the 2014 World Cup Led to an Empowered Citizenry

Everyone in Brazil wanted the World Cup—we thought it would leave benefits. But FIFA is like a big, multinational company that comes and sucks away everything. The effect has been devastating, but some good has come of it all, also…

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