Author: Global Greengrants Fund

Global Greengrants Fund Earns 4-Star Rating

Global Greengrants Fund just received a 4-star rating for the fourth year in a row for sound fiscal management and efficiency from Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent charity evaluator. From the award letter: “Only 8% of the charities we rate have received at least 4 consecutive 4-star evaluations, indicating that Global Greengrants Fund consistently executes […]

Nayarit, Mexico: Anti-Dam Leader Recieved Death Threats

A Global Greengrants advisor and prominent activist is challenging a potentially destructive dam project in western Mexico. His work is dangerous, but he continues to fight.

Mining Company Sued for Torture: Historic Victory in Peru

Peruvian protesters come out victorious in a torture case against an English mining company with the help of a Global Greengrants grantee.

Turning Philanthropy on its Head on Alliance Blog

Check out our blog post on the transitions in two grantmaker membership organizations. What will the future hold? How can we encourage more global social change philanthropy?

Bulletins from Bolivia: A Community Rallies to Protect Their Land

A gold mine threatens a farming town in western Bolivia. Grassroots groups are pulling out all the stops to keep it from happening. Public opinion is shifting…and there is hope.

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