Author: Katy Neusteter

Beyond the Vote: Tomorrow We Rise

Today, the phone calls from friends and family are starting to trickle in. My email is still quieter than usual. I am struggling to organize my thoughts. To paraphrase the novelist Attica Locke: “I am not crushed. I am awake.” I am awake to the fact that freedom, empathy, and equality are as important as they […]

Environmental Leader Berta Cáceres Assassinated in Honduras

For Immediate Release March 3, 2016 Global Greengrants Fund Contact: Katy Neusteter, 303-880-0634, Environmental Leader Berta Cáceres Assassinated in Honduras Global Greengrants mourns grantee and celebrated defender of indigenous and environmental rights, calls on international community to support environmental activists threatened for defending their rights and resources. Boulder, CO: Global Greengrants Fund is deeply […]

Sending support to Kenya’s Athi River

  The Athi River is Kenya’s second longest waterway and one of its most endangered. Violet Matiru knows grassroots grants can help. A grant advisor in East Africa, Violet is strategically directing Greengrants to riverside communities. Her goal: to support the health of the entire river basin, one community at a time. “Once we can […]

The Summit on Women and Climate—a year later

By Katy Neusteter, Director of Communications A year ago today, I was boarding a flight to Bali for the 2014 Summit on Women and Climate. I’ve been thinking a lot about that moment in my life. I had an 11-month-old son, my husband was one week into a demanding new job, and my mom was […]

Lessons from LGBTQ marriage equality

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in the United States. Those first moments after I heard the news felt golden, giddy, like everything was coming together. It was an oasis; a mini-vacation from worrying about the state of Things.

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