
Chilean Volcano Could Delay Hidroaysen Dam Project

A couple of short articles that discuss recent happenings in relation to the transmission lines that would ferry power from southern Chile up to Santiago—part of the Pascua/Baker megadam project.

Legislation Repealed in Peru

Indigenous groups lifted their road blockades and suspended their strike against key energy sites Thursday, a day after a congressional committee voted to repeal two land development laws decreed by President Alan Garc­a.

World Bank Abandons Oil Pipeline—Chad-Cameroon

The World Bank’s request amounts to an admission of failure in one of its most controversial and disastrous projects—once touted as a “model” for high-risk projects—after the Chadian government repeatedly misused its newfound oil wealth.

Nnimmo Bassey to testify in Washington DC on human rights abuses committed by Chevron

A Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing is taking place next week on “Extracting Natural Resources: Corporate Responsibility and the Rule of Law.” Nnimmo Bassey, Greengrants Advisor, will testify

Victory for Indigenous Land Rights—Brazil

In a packed Supreme Court in Brazil, a key judge voted to uphold the demarcation of the indigenous territory Raposa-Serra do Sol. The case was adjourned at the request of another judge, and a final ruling is expected later this year.

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