
Big, Bad Hydro

In this Forbes Magazine article on the problems of hydro power, Peter Hartmann of Comité Nacional Pro Defensa de La Fauna y Flora (CODEFF) a Greengrants grantee, is featured. CODEFF has received nearly $15,000 in grants since 2005 on the Patagonia dam issue.

Two Ecuadoreans are Among Seven Awarded 2008 Goldman Prize

This year’s Goldman Prize was awarded to Ecuadoran activists Pablo Fajardo Mendoza and community organizer Luis Yanza for their efforts in fighting Chevron Corp.

To Go Green is Glorious

China is not a country where ordinary people have much chance to influence government, and being an activist can be risky. But when it comes to environmental lobbying, there are signs the system may be changing, reports Mukul Devichand in this BBC article.

China’s Emerging Environmental Movement

Article featuring Green Camel Bell, Greengrants Grantee in China who has been receiving grants since 2004.

Protest Prompts Logging Company to Pullout of Ontario

An interesting development in the Grassy Narrows indigenous community in Canada that has been struggling to control its own territory. Greengrants has made nearly $20,000 to this group since 2001 through our Global Advisor, Rainforest Action Network. The

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