
Wen Bo Featured in Asian GEOgraphic and LinkTV

Global Greengrants Fund’s China Advisory Board Coordinator Wen Bo is featured in the February 2007 edition of Asian GEOgraphic as well as a video on LinkTV.

Sunita Narain and India’s Center for Science and Environment Profiled in Nature

A previous Greengrants grantee, the Center for Science and Environment, has been instrumental in achieving cleaner air and water in Delhi. Read more in Nature’s February 15, 2007 Issue.

Interview with Greengrants Advisor Rubens Born

Brazilian Rubens Born has been a part of the Greengrants network for over a decade. Find out why he was a recipient of a national citizenship award in Brazil and how he has contributed to strengthening Brazil’s growing environmental movement.

Investment Debates: What’s in the News

In recent weeks, the Los Angeles times ran a series of articles scrutinizing the investment choices of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The authors highlight potential condradictions between the disease-fighting work of the foundation in Africa, and

National Geographic Focus on Nigeria

National Geographic’s February 2007 issue depicts the impacts that oil and gas development have had in the Niger Delta in Nigeria.

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