
13 Picture Books Your Kids Should Read This Summer

When Greta Thunberg refused to go to school last August, demanding that the Swedish government reduce carbon emissions in accordance with the Paris Climate Agreement, a spark of youth climate activism ignited across the globe. From Europe to Africa, and Asia to North America, school-aged children ditched school and took to the streets adorned in […]

VICTORY: Plans for Massive Coal Project in Kenya Canceled

On June 26, 2019, a Kenyan tribunal canceled plans to build the country’s first-ever coal fired power plant, citing environmental and public health risks. This immense, hard-fought victory would not have been possible without years of advocacy and resistance by a strong network of anti-coal activist groups across the region. One group that has been […]

Water Defenders: The Face of Resistance

On June 20, 2019, members of Grassy Narrows First Nation marched through downtown Toronto demanding that the Canadian government uphold their promise to clean up the mercury contaminating the Wabigoon River. Between 1962 and 1970, a paper mill upstream from Grassy Narrows dumped 20,000 pounds of mercury into the river, and it’s estimated that today […]

Protecting the Heart and Soul of La Antigua Basin

Words by the staff of Fondo Acción Solidaria, A.C. (FASOL). On any given day in Jalcomulco, a small village in Veracruz, Mexico, locals and tourists alike raft and kayak down the Los Pescados River, the designated heart and soul of the local community. Home to Mexico’s national rafting team, the river draws adventure seekers from […]

Divers in Honduras: The Struggle for Disability Rights and Environmental Justice

Words by Ibis Colindres and Yolanda Muñoz People with disabilities are uniquely affected by the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation. And yet, they are routinely left out of efforts to protect rights to a clean and healthy environment. Global Greengrants Fund, in collaboration with the Ford Foundation, is seeding initiatives that recognize the […]

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