
Tune In: What to Add to Your Reading List (Part III)

Each summer, Global Greengrants Fund’s staff curates a syllabus of our favorite books, movies, and podcasts related to environmental and human rights issues. Following a particularly tumultuous year in global politics, this year’s summer reading list is focused on resistance, and its many different forms embraced by grassroots activists across the planet. We hope that […]

Meet the Women Protecting Vanuatu’s Resources for Future Generations

Located in the South Pacific, the small, low-lying islands of Vanuatu are home to immense cultural and ecological diversity. However, these beautiful islands and the locals who call them home are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, natural disasters, population growth, and the threat of a growing tourism industry. Maintaining traditional knowledge and […]

Big Wins in the Fight Against Oil in Ecuador

Earlier this month Ecuador’s Constitutional Court made a unanimous decision to reject Chevron’s final appeal of a $9.5 billion pollution judgment that found the company guilty of deliberately dumping billions of gallons of toxic oil waste into the Amazon rainforest. This was a huge victory for indigenous groups that have been fighting for over two […]

Why we need collaborations to tackle climate change

This is part two of a four part series written by the Executive Directors of the Grassroots Climate Solutions Fund’s member organizations. The Grassroots Climate Solutions Fund is a partnership of four grantmakers – Global Greengrants Fund, Thousand Currents, Grassroots International, and Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights –  which helps large funders to […]

Climate justice is possible when…we listen to the grandmothers

This is part one of a four part series written by the Executive Directors of the Grassroots Climate Solutions Fund’s member organizations. The Grassroots Climate Solutions Fund is a partnership of four grantmakers – Global Greengrants Fund, Thousand Currents, Grassroots International, and Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights –  which helps large funders to […]

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