
Accidental Democracy in Brazil: How the 2014 World Cup Led to an Empowered Citizenry

Everyone in Brazil wanted the World Cup—we thought it would leave benefits. But FIFA is like a big, multinational company that comes and sucks away everything. The effect has been devastating, but some good has come of it all, also…

Ecuador chooses oil over biodiversity, indigenous rights in Yasuní

On May 22, 2014, International Biodiversity Day, the government of Ecuador decided to celebrate by issuing permits to drill for oil in what is probably the most biodiverse place on Earth, Yasuní National Park. Keep reading>>

THANK YOU for helping meet our goal!

$150,000 for local leaders! Thank you for sharing our vision of a world in which all people live with dignity and in harmony with the environment. Here’s what you did…

Last chance to save Ecuador’s Yasuní from oil exploitation

On October 3, 2013, the Ecuadorian government and parliament approved the exploitation of the protected area. Denouncing the decision as unconstitutional and vowing to reverse it, YASunidos embarked on the signature campaign to get the Yasuní issue on the ballot for a national referendum. Keep reading>>

The fight to save the Yasuní National Park, pristine Amazon rainforest in Ecuador marches onward

A group of activists, musicians and actors traveled along the Ecuadorian coastline during the holidays to present short skits and musical presentations about the government’s plan to drill for oil in the Yasuní National Park.

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