
How Ecuador’s Sarayaku People Kept Big Oil Out

Some 1,200 indigenous people make up the Sarayaku community in the Ecuadorian Amazon. In 1996, the Ecuadorian government allowed a foreign company to begin prospecting their lands for oil. The government never consulted the local people. >>Keep reading.

Sandy, Climate, and Youth: Announcing the Next Generation Climate Board

Trucks shoveling sand from main streets. Children wading through the sludge that used to be their living rooms. As I took in the reports from friends and news media on Hurricane Sandy, I began to realize that we have entered a new era. This is not Indonesia, or the island of Tuvalu. This is New York City.

What can we learn from this? What do we need to know about this new era? Listen closely, and you might hear Sandy speak. Keep reading.>>

Untiring Defender of Victims of Climate Change: Board Member & Advisor Awarded Rafto Prize

“Nnimmo Bassey links human rights to the climate by demonstrating how climate change has the greatest effect on the world’s most vulnerable people, the very people who have contributed least to the problem in the first place. By awarding its annual prize to Nnimmo Bassey, the Rafto Foundation underlines how the challenges we face regarding climate and the environment also have a human rights aspect.”

A 250-mile Paddling Trek for the Wild Farm River Watershed

From August 24 to September 7, a team of paddlers from the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) Indigenous Nation will venture 250 mi from their remote fly-in community to Hudson’s Bay. The message: “Respect our protection before this sacred landscape is poisoned by the diamond, gold, and metals mining companies who have set their sights on it.”

How Green is your Garden? Organic Agriculture in Rural India

“Of all the delicious Indian cuisine I sampled throughout my travels in India, the home-cooked organic meals prepared by the women of Bidhichandrapur are the ones that I will always remember, as a symbol of a bright and very tasty future.”

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