
Sharing the Positive – New Outlets for Social Change

Last week Facebook announced a new milestone: 500 million users. With so many people using the internet to connect and share stories, it’s no surprise that new social media and open-source websites are everywhere. It’s hard to keep track of them all, but here are two sites worth checking out: (Both promote positive collaboration and […]

Biggest Year Ever, Thanks To You! 800+ grants

We wrapped up our 2009-2010 fiscal year last month, and we’re thrilled to announce that it was the biggest year in Greengrants history. Since the first 28 grants we made back in 1993, Global Greengrants Fund has become the world’s leader in providing small grants to grassroots environmental groups – making more than 800 grants […]

Five Months Since the Water Receded: An Update on the Chilean Disaster Recovery Fund

First the ground shook, then a nine-foot wall of water slammed into the tiny fishing villages lining the Chilean coast. Most had the chance to run for the hills, yet over 250 people were swept out to sea. As the survivors found their way back to their villages in the predawn light, many found their homes, stores, warehouses, and boats –– their livelihoods –– destroyed.

Indigenous Rights Activist, Grantee, Faces Unfair Deportation from Peru

Paul McAuley, a British missionary who has worked tirelessly on behalf of Amazonian communities facing invasive oil and gas development, has been accused of ‘inciting unrest’ by the Peruvian government – an offense that has threatened expulsion from his home of more than 20 years.

A New Ally to Push for Justice in ‘Africa’s Most Toxic Place’

Peter Sinkamba is a passionate and accomplished advocate for social and environmental justice in mining-affected communities. He joined the Southern Africa Advisory Board in May 2010.

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