Category: News

Environmental Funders Network Covers The State of Funding for Women’s Environmental Action

Today marks the release of a new mapping report by Global Greengrants Fund and Prospera International Network of Women’s Funds, titled Our Voices, Our Environment: The State of Funding for Women’s Environmental Action. This report is the first-ever benchmarking of philanthropic funding in support of women and the environment, and includes 34 interviews with funders, local women […]

Three Ways to Celebrate International Women’s Day

Today, March 8, is International Women’s Day, and the theme this year is: “Time is Now: Rural and urban activists transforming women’s lives”. This year, we’re calling for more equality and justice worldwide, supporting those who are leading movements for action. And we’re not alone. People worldwide are mobilizing for a future that is more […]

VICTORY: Brazil Ends Mega-Dam Building Policy

On January 2nd, the Brazilian Government announced the end of its decades-old mega-dam building policy. The move was a major – albeit surprising – win for indigenous and environmental groups across the Amazon Basin, who have been fighting tirelessly against mega-dam construction since the 1960’s. Global Greengrants Fund and our network of grantees has good […]

Global Greengrants Fund UK Announces New Patrons

Global Greengrants Fund UK is delighted to announce its first patrons. These three public figures are committed to strengthening environmental justice and working toward a more equitable world. Our patrons have a track record of engagement on environmental causes, and we are particularly proud that they each represent different approaches, constituencies and backgrounds. What unites […]

25 Years: From Then Until Now

The year was 1993, and Burma was in chaos. A young man carried an envelope filled with cash across the war-torn border between Burma and Thailand. He was delivering Global Greengrants Fund’s first-ever grant. The recipient? Green November 32, at the time Burma’s only environmental and human rights organization. The cash in that envelope produced […]

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