Category: News

4 Grassroots Environmental Wins of 2016 – and 1 Miss

2016 was a big year for those standing up for the environment and human rights. Major victories were achieved, providing cause for celebration. There were also devastating failures, giving even more urgency to our efforts to protect the environment and the rights of local people who depend on it. Many of the stories below have […]

Standing Up to Hazardous Waste Dumping in South Africa

Words by Liziwe McDaid, Coordinator of the Southern Africa Advisory Board, and Allison Davis, Deputy Director of Programs Noxious fumes, contaminated water, sick children. For residents of the KwaZulu Natal Province of Durban, South Africa, the above are a regular part of daily life. Liquid that seeps through an industrial landfill near their homes produces […]

The Dakota Access Pipeline and the Struggle of Indigenous Communities Everywhere

By Alex Grossman, Digital Marketing Specialist UPDATE: On Sunday December 4, the Army Corps said it will not approve an easement necessary to permit the Dakota Access Pipeline to cross under Lake Oahe in North Dakota. This is a monumental victory for those who have been standing in protest of the pipeline.  Headlines about the Standing Rock […]

Still Hopeful Despite Lack of Action at COP22 in Marrakech

By Nnimmo Bassey, Global Greengrants’ Board Chair, and Founder of Health of Mother Earth Foundation (@NnimmoB) The 22nd Conference of Parties (COP22) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change doubled as the first meeting of Parties to the Paris Agreement agreed to at COP21 in 2015. Optimists in Marrakech thought that with so much […]

Our Changing Arctic: Indigenous Leaders on Life on the Front Lines of Climate Change

The Arctic Ocean and its seas are among the world’s most vulnerable ecosystems, facing multiple threats from climate change, increased commercial shipping and fishing, and expanded offshore drilling. These activities decimate the precious Arctic environment, and impact the whales, polar bears, seals, bird species, and fish who live there. They also threaten the existence of […]

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