Category: News

4 Grassroots Wins Amid the Chaos of the 2016 Rio Olympics

Just four days before the 2016 Summer Olympics are to kick off in Rio, injustice and corruption in Brazil seems to have gone from bad to worse to horrendous. Government kickbacks. The systematic eviction of families from the city’s favelas, or slums, which are home to 1 in 7 people. And billions of dollars in […]

Success in Guatemala: Supreme Court Suspends License for El Tambor Gold Mine

Have you ever felt so strongly about something that you were willing to stay up day and night indefinitely to make your dream a reality? The people who live in La Puya, Guatemala know all about that kind of perseverance, and now about the sweet satisfaction that comes with success. The villagers spent the past […]

Indigenous People Tried to Turn the Tables and Save Lake Poopó

Fishing boats used to abound on Lake Poopó in Bolivia’s dry altiplano. The lake was the lifeblood for the Uru-Murato indigenous people, who survived off the lake’s abundant fish and flamingo populations. But years of rising temperatures, poorly planned irrigation techniques, and mining took their toll. The fish died, the water receded, and finally, last […]

Activism Around the World: Highlights from June 2016

Each year Global Greengrants Fund makes over 700 grants to environmental activists around the world, helping to support grassroots initiatives to protect the planet and the rights of the people who call these natural places home. We wish we could share every single story. Below are a few grants made recently that we’d like to […]

Global Greengrants Welcomes Summer Interns

Each year, our office processes 700 grants that go to grantees around the globe. This task is made possible by the great team and staff we have here in Boulder. We’re thrilled to introduce five interns who are joining us for the summer. Taylor Strub Taylor is currently a junior at the University of Colorado […]

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