Category: News

Justice Comes Slowly for Guatemala’s Maya Achí

In 1982, over 400 Maya Achí men, women, and children were murdered for opposing a hydroelectric dam under construction on the Chixoy River. The next year, the completed Chixoy dam flooded more than 30 Maya Achí communities. Read this touching Boulder Weekly cover story about Juan de Dios Garcia, a local leader seeking justice for […]

Women Find Their Voices in China

By Nicole Schmitt Recent events in Central America have highlighted the dangerous world of environmental activists. As civil society shrinks across the globe, activists have less room to operate in.  But, even as female environmental activists are increasingly victimized, women in China are not backing down. In fact, they are expanding their role in civil […]

Environmental Leader Berta Cáceres Assassinated in Honduras

For Immediate Release March 3, 2016 Global Greengrants Fund Contact: Katy Neusteter, 303-880-0634, Environmental Leader Berta Cáceres Assassinated in Honduras Global Greengrants mourns grantee and celebrated defender of indigenous and environmental rights, calls on international community to support environmental activists threatened for defending their rights and resources. Boulder, CO: Global Greengrants Fund is deeply […]

Global Greengrants Welcomes New Staff

Every year, more than 700 grants are processed in our Boulder, Colorado, office and sent or wired to grant recipients around the globe. We are happy to welcome these new members to the Global Greengrants team! Carter Anderson, Grants Administrative Assistant Before joining Global Greengrants in 2015, Carter interned, worked, and volunteered for nonprofits in Peru […]

Protecting Canada’s Great Bear Rainforest

Thanks to a landmark conservation deal passed in Canada on February 1, 2016, 9.1 million acres of irreplaceable temperate forest in British Columbia is now protected. To put that in perspective, that’s half the size of Ireland. That’s over twice the size of Belize. That’s 9,100,000 football fields. The Great Bear Rainforest is home to […]

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