Category: News

Help Needed in Haiti After Earthquake

Greengrants recognizes the critical importance of responding to the disastrous earthquake in Haiti that occurred on Tuesday, January 12th.

Former Greengrants Intern Exposes Injustice in West Africa

The oil pipeline that runs from Chad through Cameroon in western Africa was supposed to contribute to poverty reduction in local villages. Instead, after six years of pumping oil to be exported abroad, the pipeline has only led to increased poverty, displacement, and environmental contamination.

China Board Welcomes New Advisor

We are pleased to welcome Qu Dong to Greengrants’ China Advisory Board.

Victory for Indigenous Peoples in Canada!

After a long, hard fight against mining interests on their land, the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) indigenous community in northern Ontario has finally won its battle.

What’s at Stake in Copenhagen?

December 7, 2009, marks the beginning of two weeks of global climate change discussions in Copenhagen, Denmark. The 15th Conference of Parties (COP15) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

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