Category: News

Nigerian Government Misses Ban on Gas Flaring Deadline

In spite of regulations banning gas flaring for more than a quarter of a century, the Nigerian government has yet to implement such policies effectively. January 1st marked the passing of yet another deadline.

Energy Justice (Conference Call Recording)

Last month, Greengrants hosted a conference call on Energy Justice, which explored how large-scale energy development projects are affecting communities around the world.

Indigenous Rights Take Center Stage in Latin America

On September 13, 2007, the United Nations adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples after more than 20 years of negotiations. Though a positive step in the right direction, indigenous peoples around the world continue to face regular discrimination and violation of their rights. While there are many threats to indigenous rights, large-scale […]

I CatWalk for Water Campaign

Global Greengrants Fund has been selected as one of four beneficiaries in Aveda’s I CatWalk for Water campaign.

Grantees Win Conde Nast Environmental Prize

For nearly two decades, Conde Nast Traveler has been honoring environmental visionaries around the world who have found innovative solutions to seemingly intractable problems. In 2008, both the winner and a runner-up of this prestigious award were grantees.

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