Category: News

Nnimmo Bassey to testify in Washington DC on human rights abuses committed by Chevron

A Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing is taking place next week on “Extracting Natural Resources: Corporate Responsibility and the Rule of Law.” Nnimmo Bassey, Greengrants Advisor, will testify

Victory for Indigenous Land Rights—Brazil

In a packed Supreme Court in Brazil, a key judge voted to uphold the demarcation of the indigenous territory Raposa-Serra do Sol. The case was adjourned at the request of another judge, and a final ruling is expected later this year.

Reclaiming and Preserving the Knowledge of Local Traditional Foods

Despite the islands of Micronesia being home to a variety of nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables, local foods and crops have widely been displaced over the last three decades. As a result of islandersí growing dependence on imports such as rice and sugar, and the erosion of knowledge about local plants and their nutritional value, Micronesia […]

Wen Bo: Environmentalism growing in China

From his base in Beijing, China Advisory Board Coordinator, Wen Bo recently discussed by telephone his projects in China and elsewhere around the world with

Small Ugandan NGO Has Far-Reaching Goals

AFIEGO takes on Uganda’s energy crisis from the grassroots up.

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