Category: News

National Coalition on Mining Takes a Strong Stand

National Coalition on Mining (NCOM) is a network of organizations, communities, and individuals concerned about mining and environmental preservation. On June 3, the NCOM held its monthly meeting in the conference room of Third World Network-Africa.

Protest Prompts Logging Company to Pullout of Ontario

An interesting development in the Grassy Narrows indigenous community in Canada that has been struggling to control its own territory. Greengrants has made nearly $20,000 to this group since 2001 through our Global Advisor, Rainforest Action Network. The

Two Ecuadoreans are Among Seven Awarded 2008 Goldman Prize

This year’s Goldman Prize was awarded to Ecuadoran activists Pablo Fajardo Mendoza and community organizer Luis Yanza for their efforts in fighting Chevron Corp.

Aveda and Global Greengrants Fund: Lighting the Way to Corporate Philanthropy

It’s becoming more popular – and lucrative – for corporations to jump on the “fair trade”, “organic” bandwagon, even if they ride on it only for a short while. As profit-driven jargon becomes more ubiquitous, it’s hard to recognize who is adopting new beh

GreenSOS Supports Earthquake Relief—China

Wen Bo, Coordinator for Greengrants China Advisory Board, sends a brief update on the relief efforts.

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