Category: News

Aveda and Global Greengrants Fund: Lighting the Way to Corporate Philanthropy

It’s becoming more popular – and lucrative – for corporations to jump on the “fair trade”, “organic” bandwagon, even if they ride on it only for a short while. As profit-driven jargon becomes more ubiquitous, it’s hard to recognize who is adopting new beh

GreenSOS Supports Earthquake Relief—China

Wen Bo, Coordinator for Greengrants China Advisory Board, sends a brief update on the relief efforts.

World’s Biggest Mammals Threatened First by Commercial Whaling, Now By Industry

The recent discovery of the endangered blue whale off the coast of Chile will have significant implications to a pristine ecological area struggling to keep industry away.

Oil and Indigenous Peoples—Peru

In this Washington Post article about Oil and Indigenous Peoples in Peru, several Greengrants grantees—Shinai, the Achuar (FECONACO), and Racimos de Ungurahui—are mentioned as well as our own deputy program director, Peter Kostishack.

Bishop Cappio Ends Three-Week Hunger Strike

January 4, 2008 UPDATE: Bishop Luis Flavio Cappio ended hunger strike after three weeks of fasting in opposition to a planned diversion of the Sao Francisco Reiver in northeast Brazil.

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