Category: News

Greengrants Debuts on YouTube

Now it’s easier to watch and share our inspiring video!

Death Threats for Brazilian Activist

Ivete Bastos, president of the biggest farmer’s union of the Amazon, has received numerous death threats and they’re getting worse. Sign a petition to help.

Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Says Global Warming is a Human Rights Issue

Nobel Peace Prize nominee Sheila Watt-Cloutier, an Inuit born inside the Canadian Arctic, says that global warming constitutes a violation of human rights for indigenous people in low-lying areas throughout the world.

Wen Bo Featured in Asian GEOgraphic and LinkTV

Global Greengrants Fund’s China Advisory Board Coordinator Wen Bo is featured in the February 2007 edition of Asian GEOgraphic as well as a video on LinkTV.

Investment Debates: What’s in the News

In recent weeks, the Los Angeles times ran a series of articles scrutinizing the investment choices of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The authors highlight potential condradictions between the disease-fighting work of the foundation in Africa, and

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