Category: Spotlights

Women on the Frontlines: Challenging Extractives in Bolivia

By Megan Barickman, Development Writer Through our grantmaking at Global Greengrants Fund, we have often seen how small groups grow and create far-reaching impact by developing strong networks and organizational infrastructure. This is especially true for groups, like women’s groups, whose members have had less access to and experience with advocacy and political spaces and […]

Holding Mining Corporations Accountable in Cameroon

By Richard Mbom, CEO of Social Enterprise for Environmental Development (SEED), a grantee that advocates for best practices in the artisanal and small-scale gold mining sector in eastern Cameroon. For twenty years, foreign investors have come to Africa seeking permits for the exploitation of the continent’s natural resources. Most of these investors come from Asia […]

Challenging Monoculture in Brazil: COVID-19 Sparks Return to Traditional Cassava

Words by Eduardo Alfredo Moraes Guimarães of The Institute for Human and Integrated Development (ITC), an organization supported by CASA Socio-Environmental Fund (CASA). CASA is Global Greengrants Fund’s grantmaking arm in Brazil. It is a revolutionary act to oppose the monoculture of colonial export agriculture and, at the same time, to revitalize traditional crops such […]

Liel Biran: One Man’s Journey to Climate Activism in Israel

Words by Liel Biran, a volunteer community organizer with Israel-based group, Green Course. In 2020, through our partnership with, Global Greengrants Fund awarded Green Course $12,000 to support “Strike for Future ISRAEL”: a youth-led movement of Jews and Arabs who are mobilizing their peers and leading school strikes and activities to protest against the […]

A Changing Climate: The Youth Response in Jamaica

As an island nation, Jamaica is highly vulnerable to the impacts of extreme weather and global climate change. Many young Jamaicans are being left out of climate change conversations, and as a result they are unaware of how climate change will directly impact the future of their communities. Jamaica faces a number of environmental issues, […]

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