Category: Spotlights

Nigerian Government Misses Ban on Gas Flaring Deadline

In spite of regulations banning gas flaring for more than a quarter of a century, the Nigerian government has yet to implement such policies effectively. January 1st marked the passing of yet another deadline.

Highest Charity Navigator Rating Again!

Global Greengrants Fund is proud to announce a four-star rating by Charity Navigator for the second consecutive year.

New Patagonia Advisor for Southern Cone

Greengrants welcomes Argentine Mariano Coscarella to the Southern Cone Advisory Board. This board recommends grants to grassroots groups in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay on issues including sustainable fisheries, indigenous rights, and forest protection.

Terry Odendahl, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer

Greengrants is pleased to introduce our new CEO, Terry Odendahl.

Big Win for Activists in Romania!

Last week, the Romanian Supreme Court announced a decision to declare the Rosia Montana mountain with the highest gold reserves, Carnic Mountain, a cultural monument of national interest.

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