Tag: Africa

Mandela and Environmental Justice: When you have an activist in the highest office of the land

Right now, the world is celebrating Nelson Mandela and learning from the way he lived his life. In that spirit, we wanted to share with you a story about Mandela that you probably haven’t heard before. ..

Extraordinary victory for the Maasai! The untold story of a failed land grab

Do I ever have a story for you. It’s a story about the traditional and the modern, colonialism and the power of indigenous communities, and above all about sustainability and social justice…

Niger Delta community wins landmark ruling against Shell

A Dutch court ruled on January 30 that Royal Dutch Shell is responsible for a series of spills that devastated a Nigerian community. The milestone ruling sets a precedent that multinational climate polluters can be held accountable for environmental damage they cause in impoverished, resource-rich countries like Nigeria.

Untiring Defender of Victims of Climate Change: Board Member & Advisor Awarded Rafto Prize

“Nnimmo Bassey links human rights to the climate by demonstrating how climate change has the greatest effect on the world’s most vulnerable people, the very people who have contributed least to the problem in the first place. By awarding its annual prize to Nnimmo Bassey, the Rafto Foundation underlines how the challenges we face regarding climate and the environment also have a human rights aspect.”

Uganda: Women Tackle Climate Change, Energy, Food, and More

A single project has had an enormous impact on communities in rural Uganda. Environmental, social, and economic realities have improved, along with dozens of lives.

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