Tag: Africa

Malawi Becomes New Source of Uranium

Uranium will start flowing out of Malawi for the first time in just a few short weeks, from a mine within the catchment area of a river that flows directly into Lake Malawi. As John Borshoff, managing director of the company in charge of the project, Paladin Resources of Australia, explained, “There has been an […]

Proactive Activism

In countries around the world, from Ecuador to Russia to Nigeria, Global Greengrants Fund is working to support community-based groups in their efforts to resist the negative socio-environmental impacts of extractive industries.

Conservation and Justice Groups Split over Forest Carbon Trading — Ghana

This is an interesting overview article in the Guardian that highlights some of the concerns with including tropical forests in carbon markets. One of our grantees in Ghana (Civic Response, grant number 50-592, 2004) is quoted.

Gas Flaring: ERA Flays Arrest of Activists, Journalists

The Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth, Nigeria (ERA/FoEN) has condemned Tuesday’s arrest and detention of its officers, community elders, and some journalists at Iwherekan community, Delta State, by soldiers guarding gas flaring sites.

Nnimmo Bassey to testify in Washington DC on human rights abuses committed by Chevron

A Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing is taking place next week on “Extracting Natural Resources: Corporate Responsibility and the Rule of Law.” Nnimmo Bassey, Greengrants Advisor, will testify

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