Tag: Africa

National Geographic Focus on Nigeria

National Geographic’s February 2007 issue depicts the impacts that oil and gas development have had in the Niger Delta in Nigeria.

Dam Threatens Bujagali Falls

by Brittney Holder, Greengrants Intern (See also previous grantee profile: “Uganda: Grassroots Group Promotes Citizen Involvement in Dam Decision “) This past December, the Ugandan government signed a deal to continue the development of the Bujagali Dam, despite many indications that it will be environmentally and socially damaging and that better alternatives exist. The new […]

Greengrants Passes the $10 Million Mark

In May of 2006, Greengrants awarded its $10,000,000th dollar in grants. That makes 2,754 grants made in 120 countries over 13 years.

Kenya: Local Fishermen Unite Against Environmentally Destructive Trawlers

The Malindi Marine Association (MaMa) began its existence in 1999 in a donated office space, with borrowed furniture and a budget which extended only as far as two volunteers could contribute from their personal bank accounts. However, thanks in part to funds from Greengrants, MaMa has been able to make a real difference in preserving […]

New York Times Explores the Real Cost of Gold

A recent New York Times series explored the environmental and other costs of gold mining around the world.

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