Tag: Africa

Food Security, Youth Activism, and Climate Resilience in Uganda

Meet Sarah Akiteng from Uganda, East Africa. Sarah is the mother of two and a climate champion in her village, Anyangabella, in the Katakwi District, one of the flood-prone areas of Uganda. Sarah and other young women living in the climate hotspots of Uganda are seeking to better understand the dynamics of food security in […]

Five Grassroots Environmental Victories of 2020

2020 is a year that will go down in history. From the COVID-19 pandemic to a global reckoning on racial justice, ongoing natural disasters to mass political mobilizations worldwide, there’s no question that it’s been a tough year for the world. Yet, despite it all, the ongoing efforts of grassroots activists on the frontlines of […]

VICTORY: South Africa’s Thabametsi Coal Plant Canceled

How a grassroots movement helped end plans for one of the most carbon-intensive coal power stations on earth On November 17th, major investors abandoned the Thabametsi coal plant in South Africa: a 557 megawatt power station which would have caused extensive damage to the climate, local people, and scarce water sources in South Africa’s arid […]

Congratulations to the 2020 Goldman Environmental Prize Winners

Congratulations to the 2020 Goldman Environmental Prize winners! The Goldman Environmental Prize is the world’s foremost award honoring grassroots environmental activists and their extraordinary efforts to protect and enhance the natural world. This year, we are especially thrilled to see three Global Greengrants Fund grantees on the list: Chibeze Ezekiel, Nemonte Nenquimo, and Paul Sein […]

To Listen is to Learn: What We Can Learn from Indigenous Peoples Across the African Continent

At Global Greengrants Fund, our mission is to mobilize resources worldwide to protect our shared planet and work towards a more equitable world. One of the ways in which we do this is by awarding grants to activists on the frontlines of environmental and social injustices, often to those who lack access to resources through […]

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