Tag: Asia

What Unequal Access to Vaccines Worldwide Means for Environmental Activists

In 2020, the world faced a new challenge, the coronavirus pandemic. A virus that originated in China quickly spread to the most remote corners of the globe, changing the way each and every one of us has lived for the past year. Just one year later, highly effective vaccines have not only been developed, but […]

Five Grassroots Environmental Victories of 2020

2020 is a year that will go down in history. From the COVID-19 pandemic to a global reckoning on racial justice, ongoing natural disasters to mass political mobilizations worldwide, there’s no question that it’s been a tough year for the world. Yet, despite it all, the ongoing efforts of grassroots activists on the frontlines of […]

Congratulations to the 2020 Goldman Environmental Prize Winners

Congratulations to the 2020 Goldman Environmental Prize winners! The Goldman Environmental Prize is the world’s foremost award honoring grassroots environmental activists and their extraordinary efforts to protect and enhance the natural world. This year, we are especially thrilled to see three Global Greengrants Fund grantees on the list: Chibeze Ezekiel, Nemonte Nenquimo, and Paul Sein […]

Justice for Fikile Ntshangase

Words by Allison Davis, Director of Regional Programs at Global Greengrants Fund, and Alison Wright, Director of the Environmental Defenders Collaborative. The Environmental Defenders Collaborative and Global Greengrants Fund condemn the killing of Fikile Ntshangase. A steadfast leader of community opposition to the expansion of an open pit coal mine operated by Tendele Coal, Ntshangase […]

Five Ways Environmental Activists are Responding to COVID-19

Across the world, our grantees are acting today for a brighter tomorrow. At Global Greengrants Fund, we trust the instincts of local people. The current pandemic is no different, and we continue to give money to communities and individuals to be used in the ways they deem fit. In response to COVID-19, our grantees are […]

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