Tag: Asia

What’s at Stake in Copenhagen?

December 7, 2009, marks the beginning of two weeks of global climate change discussions in Copenhagen, Denmark. The 15th Conference of Parties (COP15) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Aveda Blogs about Trip to India and Meetings with Greengrants’ Grantees

Greengrants’ partner, Aveda, recently took a number of employees on a once-in-a-lifetime rewards trip to India to celebrate the top fundraisers in their annual Earth Month campaign, raising funds and awareness around access to clean water globally.

China: Building Momentum for Climate Change Action

In just two weeks hundreds of stakeholders and thousands of observers will convene for the 15th session of the Conference of Parties (COP15) of the United Nations Framework in Copenhagen, Denmark. Many have doubts about potential outcomes from COP 15 for a post-Kyoto agreement.

Southeast Asia: Funds Needed for Relief and Reconstruction

Late September’s and early October’s typhoons and earthquake in the Philippines and Indonesia have resulted in upwards of 1,400 deaths and left thousands more homeless and at risk for illness and disease.

Greengrants Grantees Receive Ramon Magsaysay Award

Three Greengrants grantees and colleagues are among the winners of the Ramon Magsaysay Award this year!

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