Tag: Asia

Green Leap Forward

Environmentalism is China’s fastest growing citizen movement. Beijing isn’t cracking down on these new activists—it’s empowering them.

China Shuts Down Influential Nonprofit Publication

On July 4, Beijing municipal police raided the Beijing office of China Development Brief, an independent publication about China’s social development and civil society that has been operating since 1996. This key publication has now been banned.

Chinese City Suspends Chemical Plant after Uproar

The city of Xiamen halted construction of a chemical plant after a citizen protest that used a text message campaign to galvanize public support.

Buyat Bay, Indonesia: Newmont Mining Acquitted of Pollution Charges

In a setback for environmental accountability in Indonesia, Newmont Mining Corporation was acquitted last month by an Indonesian court of pollution charges and endangering peoples’ health in Buyat Bay.

Chinese Grantee Member Receives Scholarship

Ms. Li Yue, a leading member of Petroleum and Environment Network (PEN), a Greengrants grantee, was awarded a scholarship to study at Stanford University.

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