Tag: Asia

Fostering Resilience in Times of Crisis: Lessons from the Grassroots

Over the last few months, likely each and every one of us has felt pushed to the limits of our abilities to cope with the current global situation. Even for those of us for whom lockdown is no more than an inconvenience, this moment has undoubtedly led to more self-reflection, and an appreciation of the […]

Great News for Cambodia’s Mekong River

Last month, the Cambodian government made the decision to postpone the construction of any new hydropower dams along the Mekong River for the next decade. This is a huge victory for activists working against the construction of new development projects, as well as the tens of thousands who rely on the river and its banks […]

Victory in the Mekong Delta: The Power of Perseverance

One of the strengths of our grantmaking model is our ability to not only seed movements, but to continue to fuel them over time. Effective advocacy requires long term, sustained community organizing and leadership. And achieving crucial victories often requires prolonged investment and perseverance. In the case of the Mekong River, a river that flows […]

Activism Around the World: Highlights from February 2020

We’re bringing back an old favorite, grant stories of the month! Here at Global Greengrants Fund, we are committed to supporting grassroots activists in their efforts to protect our shared planet and work toward a more equitable world. With over 1,000 grants awarded each year, there’s never a shortage of stories that inspire us. Read […]

Eggs and Tofu Contaminated by Burned Plastic in Indonesia

An article recently published in The New York Times discussed a report that found that burning plastic for fuel is poisoning residents in East Java, Indonesia and contaminating eggs and tofu produced by local businesses. Two Global Greengrants Fund grantees, Arnika and the International Pollutants Elimination Network, helped to produce the study, which found high […]

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