Tag: Asia

Activism around the World: Highlights from November 2016

Each year Global Greengrants Fund makes over 700 grants to environmental activists around the world, helping to support grassroots initiatives to protect the planet and the rights of the people who call these natural places home. We wish we could share every single story with you. Here are three exciting projects we’ve supported recently. Indonesia: […]

And the 10,000th Grant Is….

Exciting news! We just made our 10,000th grant. We would not have been able to achieve this milestone without the help of our network of advisors who have eyes and ears on the ground making it possible to find and invest in groups deeply rooted in communities and committed to a sustainable future. We’d also […]

Three Ways our Grantees Are Ensuring Food Security on World Food Day

World Food Day is on Sunday, October 16, and this year’s theme is “Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must too.” Food security is one of the biggest climate change related issues facing people around the world today. Farmers, fisherfolk, and pastoralists are among those hit hardest by rising temperatures and increasingly frequent weather-related disasters. […]

Protecting Mangroves: The Intersection of Land and Sea

Recently, Sri Lanka became the first nation to protect all mangroves, even going so far as to open a mangrove museum as part of a project aiming to protect 8,800 hectares of mangrove forests throughout the country and restore 3,900 hectares. Why make so much effort to protect a tree? There are over 70 species […]

Global News: The US and China Ratify Paris Climate Agreement

On Saturday September 3, two of the world’s largest economies, the United States and China, formally ratified the Paris agreement.  Anticipating a snowball effect, the joint statement from the two influential countries will likely inspire other countries, such as Brazil and Canada, to ratify the agreement as well. At this rate, it’s anticipated that the […]

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